4Insight EngineRoom Utilites for Python#

We believe that too much time and effort goes into tedious coding exercises just to even make a simple script “work” reliably. Imagine what can be acheived if all this effort was put into delivering high-impact insight with your next 4Insight EngineRoom applications!

Our objective is maximize the time you spend on writing code that improves the engineering- and business-logic of your application! fourinsight.engineroom.utils is a collection of utilities that we think will aid you in writing reliable and efficient applications, and speed-up the development process.

Here, a thorough walkthrough of useful concepts and included utilities is given. Some best practices are also suggested along the way!

However, don’t let the suggestions and recommendations provided here be a road block on your path to new insight! One size does not fit all! fourinsight.engineroom.utils is just meant to aid you in the development of your own EngineRoom application. If you don’t find any of the concepts and utilities useful, then don’t use them! EngineRoom will still be able to run your Python application - as long as you meet the minimum requirements.