Do’s and don’ts#

Data size vs. memory available#

When dealing with high-frequent data and/or long time spans, you should keep the memory usage in mind. Having all the data in memory at the same time could cause problems and make your script fail.

This example shows you how you can download 6 months of timeseries data, and calculate the 1-hour standard deviation. In the Advanced configuration section you can see how to enable and configure caching. Caching allows you to speed up repeating series downloads.

Use for loops to download data in chunks#

It is recommended to download data in smaller chunks (such as one day, or one hour chunks).

# Make a date iterator
start_end = pd.date_range(start="2020-01-01 00:00", end="2020-02-01 00:00", freq="1H")
start_end_iter = zip(start_end[:-1], start_end[1:])

series_id = <your time series ID>

# Get timeseries in chunks
for start, end in start_end_iter:
    timeseries = client.get(series_id, start=start, end=end)

Resample data#

It could be useful to resample the data. This is easily done taking advantage of Pandas capabilities:

# Resample using 1-minute mean
timeseries_resampled_mean = timeseries.resample("1min").agg(np.mean)

# Or, get the 1-minute standard deviation
timeseries_resampled_std = timeseries.resample("1min").agg(np.std)