Authentication and authorization#

fourinsight.api supports two different approaches for making authenticated calls to the 4insight REST API endpoints:

  • Single user / interactive (OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant Type workflow)

  • Service account / non-interactive client (OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Type workflow)

Single user / interactive#

This is the preferred approach for single user interactive sessions, e.g. use in notebooks. The class for user authentication is UserSession. You will be guided to your organizations login webpage, and login as usual. (We will not see or store your credentials!). Once authenticated, you can choose to re-use your (valid) access token (i.e. not be prompted to authenticate next time) or re-authenticate everytime:

from fourinsight.api import UserSession

# Re-use (valid) access token from last sesssion
session = UserSession()

# or re-authenticate
session = UserSession(auth_force=True)


Users on shared computers (with shared accounts) should always re-authenticate since access token from a different user may unintentionally be used.

If you desire to have multiple separate session, it is advisable to set a session key during authetication. This will keep the sessions (token cache) separate:

session_0 = UserSession(session_key="my_unique_session_0")
session_1 = UserSession(session_key="my_unique_session_1")

Access and refresh tokens recieved during authentication are stored persistently to disk:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE\.fourinsight\api

  • Linux: ~/.fourinsight/api

  • MacOs: ~/.config/.fourinsight/api

Service account / non-interactive client#

This is the recommended approach for applications / services making 4Insight REST API calls, where an authentication flow with user interaction is not feasible nor desired. The class for client authetication is ClientSession.


from fourinsight.api import ClientSession

session = ClientSession("my_client_id", "my_client_secret")

Contact us to request client id and client secret.


ClientSession will always re-authenticate and not store access token persistently.